Sunday, December 5, 2010

relationship between music and the brain

If we were to ask what music is, what we would think? My answer would be that the composition is written in letters of feelings which produce the sound choice that will result in the feeling that the author felt at the time or wanted to hear those who feel that feeling that he wanted. Therefore, if we are feeling the music sounds transmitted dare not cost us think of the brain react to these sounds as if they were feeling these feelings.

Like when we love and listen to soothing or romantic music, where we shoot and although the feeling is the same, in the words of the song says clear expressions that we only feel, but we can not put into words. Then there are those melancholy songs when we break your heart, but you can think of it knowing that it is painful that we feel the same brain reactions and understand the song, and thus depending to the track where you go, whether for better or just to get every drop feeling. The brain understands and will be more or less difficult.

Red Cross and Geneva Convention

Wars are man-made conflicts in which all sides suffer, and as the saying goes "in the war and love anything goes." We are very sad to think that we cannot do anything against the war. This was thought until 1862 when a Swiss man named Jean-Henri Dunant came up with the idea of creating a group that could help those who are directly affected by war and other disasters. Thus the Red Cross was created, an international volunteer group that if it is true, I could not fight the war at least try to appease the most that could be direct effects of war on people like soldiers or those who go wounded by fighting in the place they live.
With this effort was proposed that so-called "rules of war" which would protect:
1. The wounded and sick in the field.
2. The wounded, sick and shipwrecked at sea.
3. Prisoners of war.
4. Civilians in Time of Armed Conflict.
These are the rules that were in so-called Geneva Conventions.

Workplace privacy

Privacy at work is certainly a good way to control the company and know what is happening in this. With this tool both the owners and administrators can see who works and who does not, if someone steals or in some cases who sabotages the work of both the company and others. From this point of view, we can say to the workers "we are watching, so do not do anything not to do." It is a model in which managers have control over everything that happens, to a manager is of great benefit, because they can see who are the important and who is not among its employees. Workers can make good use of surveillance because sometimes there are clashes among employees. With security cameras we can prove our innocence and save our job as a result. There are also workplace abuses. Most often happens in a high-ranking manager with another below it, and can test these security cameras who is at fault, making it safe.

Monastic Life

Life in a monastery can definitely be hard and strict, to the point that we cannot imagine what would happen if we were in that situation. This is what people normally do not have a life that could be called truly spiritual vocation. The mere fact of being there says he has given his life for his beliefs and is willing to pay the price for being there. Because if you think about it, this is an option is not a prison, much less is there because someone coerced, but they are there, following the rules and are happy and full.

The monasteries exist around the world, and there are many religions and cultures. Even in these religions there are different congregations or orders which are always directed to the same idea. Being at the service of their beliefs, have faith in them and let the world know that there is a place they can go if they are lost.

Feng Shui

Feng shui has become very popular among people in the West and therefore in the world in recent years. Bringing the idea that you can win several specific things with a simple instruction guide which provides the smooth flow of Chi and specify where you want to redirect that energy. We can get several things from money, health and even a family. Many celebrities are in a very well-off are using Feng shui and apply it to both the workplace and at home. An example is Donald Trump's many buildings built with the idea of Feng shui.
Feng shui is an ancient art that dates back many years from China where the old studied science, natural phenomena and the movement of the stars. Before, this knowledge could only be used by people from a wide range in the rule, as many buildings as fortresses, castles and even graves had to be in accordance with Feng shui. This meant that not only the form of construction and ornamentation, but also where and with what direction, and that all this implies for the smooth flow of Chi.


Trends occur in many different subjects and opinions, as many trends can be found in small places. The trends tend occurs when a product, an idea or an activity becomes popular in society. This is caused by multiple factors, e.g., that a famous person begins using an object or an activity also becomes popular because a famous person does it. These trends are often used very much in the market because if an article becomes popular, then everyone tried to buy it so it is important to the company that manufactures.
Although there are trends that come and go, some stay. Times change and technology changes too. Now all young people tend to buy a computer, although this has changed since before they wanted different things, and computers are constantly updated to be aware of the technology now is extremely normal.


People sometimes think that shyness is a bad characteristic of people because in times where speed is everything it can be very difficult to live with this feature. Shy people often do not have the ability to talk with other people. They cannot develop in times of stress, nor at important moments. Even a quick decision can change everything. In terms of work, this feature is not good because in a meeting they cannot express their ideas freely as possible, although a very good idea will have no effect unless it is stated in the appropriate time.
But shyness can sometimes be good as in a robbery. A shy person stays quiet and be still without making any brave act that can threaten his life or the lives of others. Sometimes shyness is also associated with honesty, as the shy rarely lie.