Sunday, December 5, 2010

relationship between music and the brain

If we were to ask what music is, what we would think? My answer would be that the composition is written in letters of feelings which produce the sound choice that will result in the feeling that the author felt at the time or wanted to hear those who feel that feeling that he wanted. Therefore, if we are feeling the music sounds transmitted dare not cost us think of the brain react to these sounds as if they were feeling these feelings.

Like when we love and listen to soothing or romantic music, where we shoot and although the feeling is the same, in the words of the song says clear expressions that we only feel, but we can not put into words. Then there are those melancholy songs when we break your heart, but you can think of it knowing that it is painful that we feel the same brain reactions and understand the song, and thus depending to the track where you go, whether for better or just to get every drop feeling. The brain understands and will be more or less difficult.

1 comment:

  1. If it is too true, also we look for in music lyrics that express what you are feeling at that time
